Start Your Christmas Shopping Early


Nobody wants to leave their Christmas shopping until the last minute, here’s why we think you should start buying presents early.

It’s simple, Christmas is expensive, and you can save lots of money by being clever with your purchasing. There are various sales throughout the year and it’s the perfect opportunity to get organised and save a few quid. Not only will it save you money, but you can spread the cost throughout the year. Imagine how good it will feel when it hits December and you’ve already done your shopping, you can sit back and relax, you might even feel festive! No doubt you’ll have friends and family who are stressing, they’ve left it late, everything’s sold out. Don’t be a part of it, get it done and you can sit up on your high horse.

Here are some key dates to remember.

  1. Boxing Day Sales – Yes, that’s right, start your shopping the day after Christmas day for the following year. You can get some huge savings, not only that, you can even use them unwanted gift vouchers you got for shops you don’t even like!
  2. Blue Monday – This takes place on the 3rd Monday of January, it’s supposed to act as a pick me up for the most depressing day of the year. Not huge discounts, but certainly one to keep an eye on.
  3. Easter Sales – It’s quite common for shops to have sales during Easter, some of the special deals will make you feel eggstatic… Sorry, that’s a really bad joke.
  4. Summer Sales – This is actually my favorite; most fashion shops have huge savings on their winter stock. You can pick up some crazy bargains on jumpers and coats, it doesn’t matter if it’s hot outside.
  5. Black Friday – Ok, this is a big one obviously and this is probably when you want to get your final purchases. It’s a good idea to pick out some electrical items in advanced and then wait for Black Friday, as long as it’s not the latest gadget it’s pretty certain you’ll get a deal on it.
  6. Cyber Monday – It’s December now, probably the last chance for any discounts, if you’ve left it this late you’ve not listened to our advice. We’re not judging, just get it done, don’t be out shopping Christmas Eve still buying presents.

We asked some people when they start their Christmas shopping, here’s what they said:

Paul – Aged 37 (Graphic Designer)

“Generally, I start in November, but I’m never really done until the last minute.”

Della – Aged 36 (Housewife)

“I used to be really bad, leaving it until the last minute. In recent years I’ve been a lot better, if I see something as early as September, I’ll get it.”

Lee – Aged 35 (Mobile DJ)

“I’d like to say I’m organised, but I’m not. I don’t start until mid December, I try to get it all in one go, whether that be online or at the shops.”

Neil – Aged 36 (Poker Player)

“I’m pretty good, I start early and make sure I’ve got my wife’s presents before December. The rest of my family and friends I pick off gradually as and when.”

Michelle – Aged 41 (School Teacher)

“I must admit, I’m one of these people who shops throughout the year, I can’t take the stress of leaving it last minute.”

Lisa – Aged 53 (Office Worker)

“I try to get it done early, I’ve been known to regift a few unwanted presents too haha.”

It seems that most people leave it until November/December, they could be missing out on some great saving. I guess it comes down to how organised the person is and if they have cash flow to allow it.

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